Professor Andrew Eder speaks to Dental Supplies Magazine and Dental Republic about the need for dentists to focus attention on tooth erosion, read the article here or below as published on Dental Supplies Magazine:
“The European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) has called for the dental community to increase its focus on erosive tooth wear and declared it a challenge requiring co-operation with other healthcare professionals, according to a recently published consensus report (Carvalho TS et al, 2015).
The Federation further concluded that effective management includes screening for early signs of tooth erosion and evaluating all aetiological factors, including eating and drinking habits, nutritional supplements, reflux, vomiting and medications.
Speaking about this consensus, Professor Andrew Eder, a specialist in restorative dentistry and Prosthodontics, and Clinical Director of the London Tooth Wear Centre, commented ‘With people living longer, we need to work with our patients now to ensure their oral health does not let them down and one area that urgently needs our attention is that of erosive tooth wear. ‘The Adult Dental Health Survey teaches us that more than three-quarters of dentate adults show some tooth wear in their anterior teeth, while the increase in moderate tooth wear in 16 to 34 year olds is of clinical relevance as it is suggestive of rapid tooth wear. ‘In my view, tooth wear is going to increase in our patients in the years to come. So we as dental professionals need to keep an eye out for the tell-tale indications, take preventive action when we spot the initial signs, and make sure our patients understand that they need to make sensible choices if they want to keep their teeth for a lifetime.’”